Sunday, October 31, 2010

This Week In Photos

What happens when Alexander wakes up at 4:30 am....
Melody's reaction to being in her crib in the middle of the day with Alexander:
This is what Melody does while Alexander is taking a bath and can't stop her...
Alexander has been really into Winnie the Pooh the past couple of weeks. I think these pictures were inspired by Rabbit.
Mama in the garden with a hat on, shovel in hand and carrots in the ground:

And here is daddy in the garden. He looks like he is flying..:
We bought these cups for Alexander at Ikea. He loves to pour water from one cup to the next and so on. It can be messy sometimes. This time I put some quinoa in one of his cups. He had fun with that too.
Melody playing dress-up with mommy's jewlery:
Mama and daddy dancing:
and lastly, Melody's hair has really gotten a lot darker this week and a little more curly...!


  1. 4:30! That's tough!

    Love the dancing picure!

  2. William loves playing in the water too. We put food coloring in the water and I let him mix the colors. Everything ends up as brown, but he loves it. This is a good "outside" activity.
