Sunday, May 15, 2011

This 'n That

Last month we threw a Potty Party for Alexander. We took away his pull-ups and had a fun day of movies, snacks, games, books, using the toilet (alot!), and then we had a cake that evening to celebrate no more diapers! He loved his Piglet birthday cake and had been asking for a Tigger cake for a while so Mark made this for him:

Melody loves Alexander and always trys to be like him. It is very cute. One day when getting dressed Melody brought this outfit from Alexander's room and insisted on wearing it! What a cutie:)

Alexander was sick this past week with a horrible stomach flu. We ended up having to spend some time in the hospital and they were very nice to him there (minus the horrible experience of having to get an iv....). They gave him this Woody doll and orange volleyball blanket. He spentA LOT of time in this chair this week sleeping...